What's New - ClientTether 2.5

June 14, 2021

A Look at Client Engagement Features

When it comes to client engagement and sales automation, being able to send a delayed message is paramount. We have made it super simple and easy with version 2.5.

Months ago, during a demo of ClientTether’s client engagement platform, we had a company tell us, “If it could send a delayed email then I would sign up right now!” The funny thing was - we already had that feature. But after a thirty-day trial the potential client had not found it, because it was buried too deep in the process.

In version 2.5 we have surfaced the delayed email feature, and more. By doing so, we have made it even easier to automate sales and marketing with the streamlined user interface.

Sending delayed communications is available for texts, emails, contact reminders, calls and all other forms of contact.

Another sales automation feature that our clients find invaluable invaluable, is our system’s organizational setup that allows for Multi level accounts within ClientTether. This lets account owners better distribute and control their brand messaging and process consistency. Franchisors that develop marketing messages for brand uniformity can finally have efficient ways for the marketing messages to be distributed down to all sublevels. This is a one-of-a-kind functionality in ClientTether that addresses the needs our franchise partners have been looking for.

The document below highlights a few other key improvements in our sales automation and action plan creation processes. We rolled these out in version 2.5. In addition to what we've highlighted already, we are confident you'll love the dashboards, client/CRM interface, and several other updates. Many of our best innovations come from our clients’ great ideas, so don’t hesitate to share your feedback with our team!

Features - ClientTether | Client Engagement Platform
See how ClientTether's features automate lead engagement, lead conversion, and drive your sales process.