A Company Built by Franchise Owners, for Franchise Owners

Where ClientTether Began

Our CEO and Founder, Conrad Kolba was sitting in a similar situation you probably find yourself in right now. As a founder and consultant to many franchise brands, Conrad started to notice a substantial drop-off that happened with new leads engagement.

CRMs didn’t solve the problem, and customer reclamation was just too expensive. So, he went to work creating something that would completely solve the problem, and ClientTether was born. And it worked.

Countless companies began to utilize our software, and we watched as their lead conversion rates rose as high as 75%, their customer loyalty increased exponentially, and these franchise owners could now spend time on other, important areas of their work.

Two people discuss a sales chart on a laptop

Get To Know The Team

Conrad Kolba

Conrad Kolba

Ceo & founder

He has more than 15 years in the franchise space and was the original founder of Five Star Painting/Franchising. Conrad was also one of the founders of Franchise Foundry, and the founder of Stratify which are both incubators for small and emerging franchise systems.

Dave Hansen

Dave Hansen


Dave is drawn to the strategic side of selling through training, study, and some incredible mentors. Dave has focused his personal and team efforts on strategic selling best practices for the past 14 years across several industries, such as high-tech, learning, manufacturing, consulting services, avionics, career-tech student organizations, language services, and e-commerce.

Kent Hall

Kent Hall


Kent brings a breadth and depth of experience to our technology group that has helped us revolutionize the way we deliver services and our overall client experience in ClientTether. Knowing how to ask 'why', Kent finds clarity when setting strategic direction. He is unafraid to work under the pressure of a deadline—and he does so with an evenness that is inspiring.

Christina Firkins

Head of Client Success & Implementation

Christina guides the day-to-day business of ClientTether as the Operations Manager. Her nearly two-decades long service in the United State Army as well as extensive operations experience in the private sector provide an excellent foundation for leadership, project management, team support and client coaching.

ClientTether Has Solved the Problem of Customer Retention.

We'd Love to Show you how Powerful our Software can be.

Now You can send Custom Mailers & Gifts. All in ClientTether.

See Our Platform In Action
Track and respond to leads automatically with ClientTether's unique CRM software.